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    "We firmly believe that dreaming is an ability everyone is born with. While some nurture them and make them come true, some lose their hope due to the situation and move away from their dreams. So we hope that we can reach out to everyone and help as many people as we can."

    - The Binary Skies

    What do you get?

    Our book comprises of three steps to help you reach closer to your dreams of traveling. By the third step, we believe you will have understood whether or not you have a passion for traveling, how to travel with a very contained budget and how to earn to budget your trips.

    Our whole book is divided into three steps.

    Step 1: How to know if you are a travel lover?

    Step 2: How to earn while traveling?

    Step 3: How to do budget traveling?

    What is The Binary skies About?

    We are two travel lovers just like you, who came together to share the best tips on budget traveling, travel and work and some travel hacks we have learned from our experience and research.

    Yes, we understand how difficult it is to foster the dream of traveling to a lot of countries. Even we have passed through a stage thinking all these journeys are just meant for people who are lucky.

    But we made our mind to stop looking at it in that way and we started to count our opportunities. And here we are!

    It is not about luck, it is about making your luck and not taking it for granted. So we hope that we can share the best ways for you to accomplish your dreams. In short, we hope, we help you build the best of travel stories!